Industry Education

The Metal Construction Association and METALCON collaborate with industry professionals throughout the supply chain to create white papers, technical bulletins, presentations and more. View the resources on our Metal University to educate yourself and business partners on pertinent matters related to metal in construction.

Top Metal University resources: 

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Save the Date for Metalcon 2024 at the Georgia World Congress Center

October 30-November 1, 2024





Maximizing Your Experience

Employment in the Metal Industries

Check out this webinar on understanding just what employers are looking for. Join Samuel Gray of Metallic Products as he shares what he looks for in employees and what his company considers in the hiring process. Sam will also share his thoughts on strategies your company can use to turn a candidate into a “great” employee.

Whether you are looking for a new role in the industry, are looking to grow in this industry, or are looking for good employees yourself, this session will be beneficial for everyone!

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Metal Construction Industry 101

This is an introductory course on various aspects of the industry. Leaders from the Metal Construction Industry will join together to share their insights and paint a broad picture of how each group works together.

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